Anxiety and Covid19

Anxiety and Depression Association of America - Managing Stress and Anxiety

The link above is one of the links that is available on the World Wide Web to flood us with information about how to combat and create space for mental health. The daily thoughts and threat appear to be coming at us in an overwhelming rate at times. Normal things and occurrences just don’t seem normal. The pace of work and process just seems to be squeezing more and more out of us.


Holiday Cheer!

light blue goes with everything these days it appears…

I was searching for a picture that would appear to say something or would be related to the thought of anxiety and the upcoming holiday season. This is something that made me laugh. ___:>)>> The light blue goatee seems to be in this year.

I didn’t even notice the mask intially as much as I saw what I thought was a smile and a Santa hat. I hope to be taking a similar picture in Celina when the tree is put up in the town square. I will probably snap it sometime late at night without another soul to see. That is one of the memories and things that I enjoy about Celina. The lights, music and merriment in the square well after bedtime has been wrung in for most of the littles. I hope it remains this way.

Although the latest thing today on November 18, 2020 was our Mayor Sean Terry had put out a warning that there was an active shooter in the area and schools were locked down. Lord help us all. Seems that Celina is getting smaller every day. What the process doesn’t know is that there is probably more guns per capita in the neighborhoods around Celina than most would realize. Kind of praying for the poor soul who would come across a loaded house wife. Saddened that there seems to be this as an occurrence in Prosper and Celina these days. More teens are connecting with family counseling here for this. Anxiety, substance use, and fighting because of social media seem to be a regular occurrence along with the stress of break-ups and marriages on the rocks.

Also praying for this years substance and suicide process. I know many of us want to feel different or better and I have been talking a lot with people who are stressed because their alcohol use and illicit use of mind altering chemical drugs has increased. Much of this has been in secret. My recent connection with Arise Recovery Centers has increased my awareness of this consistent process in our midst. Check them out for support if needed. Generally their census numbers go way up in January.

Honestly I am shivering on the inside with all this coming out, but also thinking that this is par for the current course in 2020. My apathy appears to be running very high. I just hope that it doesn’t increase and become more calloused.

What can wash away my… fear? - sung to the old hymn tune in my head - HYMN: What can wash away my sin?Fear just seems to be present even though it is a liar.

Well it appears that not much is washing off 2020 as a whole, although there is a new Soap Store in #downtowncelina - Buff City Soap - Celina, TX I have tried their “Narcissist Soap” because they came by recently handing out samples and I must say that it has a certain experience and sudsiness to it that is very enjoyable.

The Run off for the town council appears to be pretty epic as well. Wendie Wigginton and Ben Hangartner both have visions and leadership qualities that will be defined in the future that Celina, TX has. Of course only one will prevail on December 8th when the town casts it’s vote again to elect a winner.

Just a bit of an update I suppose - but also consider the links that are in this posting as they lead to other interesting or informative things.

My kind regard - Andrew Siefers, MA LPC-S - 972-977-5885