Addiction treatment

Journeying with a human being who is caught up in patterns of substance addiction is something I have done frequently and I know that I can only walk or run as fast as a client wants me to be a partner in the fight to not use what is at the center of their life. Alcoholism, Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroin, Prescription Drugs, and any substance that you place in your body that has an adverse effect of controlling your life can be addicting.

Process addiction can also be something that fouls up life like pornography, video gaming, gambling, eating disorders and sexual addiction. Because you cannot live without its companionship, its use and the creation of temporary relief from patterns of pain, or sensation of peace - will only be temporary. Chasing the high will only be futile.

If you are ready and willing to focus on your underlying needs by healing from the causes of your personal addiction, please come and get ready for homework, frequent meetings and admitting that there are a lot of underlying causes that are present in your life that you cannot control. The time spent here will be focused on growth and rewiring the brain.

I am passionate about such work and want to work with those who really want to change. I choose to do so with the utmost care and integrity that I can muster. Statistical results indicate healing comes with time in this area of treatment and a dedication to new principles and living.

I am aware of area resources that could be needed at higher levels of care to begin the journey toward lasting freedom. This is only implemented if outpatient services do not allow you to gain a foothold toward change. If you are seeking resources of a higher level of care don’t hesitate to reach out and describe what you are seeking and I will happily provide such information free of charge as this type of counseling is time sensitive and necessary when in crisis.

These addiction treatment counseling services are provided by appointment at our Coit/380 office and Online locations in North Texas.

To schedule your first appointment click here for my 24/7 online scheduling tool or contact me by email for more info.