EMDR Treatment

What does EMDR stand for?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

What is EMDR Treatment?

EMDR is a treatment modality that addresses the mind, body, memory, and processing connections in the brain. The brain's function naturally metabolizes most memories, emotions, and sensations, but when it is placed under extreme duress and hardship the system may not function as it normally would under less intense circumstances. EMDR was discovered, explored and fashioned as a treatment modality by Francis Shapiro. Much research and evidence based practice has proven it to be a very effective form of treatment. Even in the treatments I have provided I have seen such remarkable progress.

Who benefits from EMDR?

EMDR treatment is a frequently talked about and common front line application for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorders frequently recognized in many people who return from conflict areas or war and first responders. That is not the only situation this happens in. I have worked with clients and personally seen its successful application in decreasing mental health symptoms and distress brought on by:

  • complicated and unprocessed grief and loss

  • panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and anxiety disorders

  • depression and mood disorders

  • nightmares and night terrors

  • police interventions

  • car, motorcycle, boating, helicopter, plane and train accidents

  • marital and domestic abuse

  • emotional, mental, physical and sexual abuse

  • emergency management events: terrorism, mass shootings, bombings,

How can EMDR help?

  • minimize behaviors such as anxiety, cutting, depression, eating disorders, and addictive behaviors

  • reduce impact of future mental health problems

  • reduce stress levels

  • increased stabilization

  • create safety for individuals and groups effected

As a trained EMDR treatment provider and therapist I have seen considerable change and healing happen in a short period of time with clients who have utilized this specialty treatment. Some of the most remarkable changes come from first responders and veterans are able to indicate that their ability to live without the ongoing anxiety and old coping that they used to feel and participate in. Also there is an immense amount of healing I have witnessed in abuse victims who are able to understand how to release past memories and live differently because they are no longer as burdened by past incidents. I even witnessed someone who lived over 50 years with ongoing incessant emotional problems from a past event indicate they are able to fully accept they are safe and no longer feel the way they did.

How do I sign up?

To schedule your first appointment click here for my 24/7 online scheduling tool or contact me by email for more info.