Living in a "Like" World
Recently I had to change the cartridge in a printer, so I took a picture of it so I would remember what the cartridge was when I got to the store.
Do you ever feel like you're empty like your cartridge just doesn't have any ink in it like you're not able to express yourself like it's just not going to print anymore and how can you go on because life is just empty. I've had times where that's happened in my life.
I have to acknowledge that maybe my "likes" in this world are not necessarily what I need to focus on. Have you noticed that when you say "like" a lot that you're comparing yourself to something that you're not. Or you're comparing your language to something that is "like" what you want to say but it's not exactly what you want to say.
Maybe that's why we're empty. Maybe we're not expressing what we really want. Maybe if we're living in a "like" world we're really not indicating what it is that could be positive or good for our lives because we still live on the outskirts of what we could really change or choose. Making this little choice or change in my life to pay attention to my language of "like" when I'm not really "liking" something like vanilla ice-cream, the color blue, like spending time with someone that I love, like driving out in the country, like expressing myself on a social media posts that maybe people will read or maybe people won't read but I like to express, has made a difference. I'm closer to my Real self than my Like self.
Maybe all of the "likes" that I express in my world are really not getting to the heart of the matter.
So, essentially after all those run-on sentences what I'm really trying to get to is Heart Change.
Will you consider what your heart is really trying to say to you and others today?
If you'd like help with that I'm available at 972-716-3841.
#myrootedsoulcounseling #heartchange #myrootedsoul #like #counseling #therapy #mentalhealth