Posts in Growth
Winter 2023!

We are back at it in early January. I am writing after taking some time away with my family for the holiday season. It was a great trip to see family and create memories

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Challenging Times...

Tuning into the marital therapy sessions and finding the voice each is expressing is an art. I spend some time contemplating how the “Challenging Times…” of the couple and the thoughts they are expressing are so difficult when they reach out to me. My hope is that you are not in a “bad” place reading this, but if you are… keep reading… as I explain a principle that sometimes works to create dialogue and communication.

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Depression Awareness

In the midst of so much change in culture and direction, I am talking more and more with clients who are coming out of the initial shock of the effects of Coronavirus and COVID19.. They are all attempting to understand, work through and find some redeeming qualities, but also I want to be attentive to the process of being aware of depression. It’s tendencies can creep into the new patterns of our lives. It’s silent presence has the potential to be overlooked in this hypersensitive time to physical health and being virus free. We also may not recognize in coping with going through the side effects and symptoms that we have been concerned about as a global community we could be ending up in a more depressed state.

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