Posts in Pain
Understanding Trauma and Resilience: The Window of Tolerance and Insights from Leading Experts

Understanding the window of tolerance is crucial for trauma survivors, as it offers a framework for recognizing when they might be operating outside of their window and struggling to manage overwhelming emotions.

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Challenging Times...

Tuning into the marital therapy sessions and finding the voice each is expressing is an art. I spend some time contemplating how the “Challenging Times…” of the couple and the thoughts they are expressing are so difficult when they reach out to me. My hope is that you are not in a “bad” place reading this, but if you are… keep reading… as I explain a principle that sometimes works to create dialogue and communication.

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Porn: Adam Savage's Podcast on Pocket Pornography

Feeling like I am a little out on a limb, but knowing that I am working out part of what it means to confront, defend, and have right views about the roles of sexuality and it’s distortion in our society by how it’s glorified or condemned and misused.. Then reflecting on what it must have been like when there was no form of porneia in the original work and world as it was created.

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FEAR: Driving or Driven?

Individuals, couples, marriages, family... don't we all struggle with some form of fear as human beings. I do. I fight feelings of invalidation, unworthiness and frustration that fear creates in me. I cringe at the weakness that I perceive the world thinks of what means. I struggle with how high or low fear drives me. This roller coaster and flood of emotions that seems to dictate my sense of....

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Safe Place

Lately I've been thinking on whole lot about different types of things that are happening and finding myself being more discouraged than usual. So I went on a search to find something that would be encouraging or speak to the heart of what I desire and want to be in my private practice for the clients I am privileged to be a part of their journey. In the process I found this illustration that so connects with the heart of ministry that I felt compelled to share it here.

I hope it helps you and let's you know more about my desire to be a safe place for all of my clients.

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Love Casts

Recent thoughts and circumstances brought this to mind that there is something to fear, but fear itself is not to control unless we allow such to occur. The last part of this verse was stark against the walls of my psyche when I thought about how imperfect I must be. The verse found in Scripture that indicates that love allows us to cast such thoughts to the depths has deeper meaning to me. Have you prayed such a prayer lately with someone in your life or for yourself? The love of God is not tangible to us in our circumstances, but we can seek it through God’s Spirit to be present in our time of need. I

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Divorce and Realtors

This is a recent marketing piece that has been interesting to me in being able to reach into a different sector of business and connect with other professionals who are extremely knowledgeable about relationships. Many of the attendees indicated their constant concern and also some challenges in being part of the process that divorcing couples have to connect with. Realtors really are unpaid counselors in some ways because of all the time and effort they put into accomplishing moving the world. I have also found them to be profoundly sensitive people regarding the ethics and heart that they perform their job. Realtors definitely have my respect in a lot of ways. Because I am impartial to the process in which I am gaining more friends than being exclusive I want to personally thank some specific businesses that have reached out to form creative ventures and mutual works alongside my desire to reach hurting people.

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Lust of anything is something that creates division or dissociation from a real connection with God. Do we lust after the fruits of the Spirit? So often the thought that we could remain focused on the goodness of God is lost on a generation that desires more and more evil ways that thinking. I struggle myself with thoughts of evil and also hear in my sessions with others their struggle to overcome or their complacency to remain in bondage. I hope this is a good word or challenge to not remain. Press on.

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Press On

A review of Paul’s Letter of Philippians 3 as an encouragement to the church and followers of Christ. Paul’s words and work was so focused and masterful.

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